Imagine a race so advanced, so enigmatic, that their very presence nearly shattered the galaxy. In the vast and grim universe of Warhammer 40,000, there exists a unique race known as the Eldar, or Aeldari. These spacefaring beings, often compared to "Space Elves," were once a grand empire that almost brought about the galaxy's destruction through their decadence and hubris. This article delves into the biology, technology, hierarchy, and their deep connection to the Warp, shedding light on their complex and tragic history.
Who Are The Eldar?
The Eldar, at a glance, are humanoid, hyper-advanced, and exceptionally long-lived beings. They once held dominion over a galaxy-spanning empire, but their empire crumbled due to their descent into hedonistic and amoral excesses. The cataclysm that followed nearly wiped out their race, leaving only a few survivors scattered across the cosmos. They now exist as fragmented factions, from massive Craft Worlds to technophobic colonies to ruthless pirate bands.
Biologically, the Aeldari are considered evolutionary perfection by many other species. They have extended lifespans, heightened reflexes, exquisite aesthetics, and the ability to think faster than most other beings. Their connection to the Warp is exceptionally strong, with many Eldar possessing minimal psychic abilities, while some become potent Psykers. Their senses are finely tuned, making every experience an intense and vibrant sensation, a trait that contributed to their downfall as they spiraled into excess.
The Aeldari's technology is awe-inspiring, even godlike to outsiders. Their energy weapons can slice starships in two, and their ships can appear and disappear in real-space with eerie silence. Gravity-defying vehicles and towering mechanical constructs powered by the souls of the dead make them formidable on the battlefield. Their mastery of the Webway, an intergalactic transport system, allows them to appear and vanish at will, ensuring deadly encounters for the unprepared.
In the 41st Millennium there are five major sub-cultures or kindreds of the Aeldari species: the Asuryani or Craftworld Aeldari, the Drukhari, the Harlequins, the Exodites, and the Ynnari.
There are also bands of independent Aeldari who survive by raiding other species' shipping and commerce, many of whom are Asuryani who have left the often rigid and confining culture of their people behind. They are known as the Asuryani Outcasts and the Aeldari Corsairs.
The Asuryani fled the original homeworlds of the Aeldari Empire in great, continent-sized starships called craftworlds. These craftworlds are now scattered across the galaxy, only connected to each other by the labyrinthine corridors of the Webway. The Asuryani seek to protect themselves from the hunger of She Who Thirsts through the use of a soul-capturing psychocrystalline technology known as Spirit Stones and a rigid code of behaviour called the Asuryani Path.
The Drukhari are the descendants of those Aeldari who originally settled within the Webway, particularly the ancient city of Commorragh. The Drukhari protect themselves from the hunger of Slaanesh by following what the Asuryani call the "Path of Damnation"; these piratical people revel in the physical and emotional pain of others, for feeding upon the psychic residue of suffering is the only way they can stave off the slow consumption by She Who Thirsts of their own souls.
The Harlequins are the servants of the Aeldari Laughing God Cegorach who fled into the Webway at the time of the Fall of the Aeldari and were protected from the thirst of Slaanesh by their god's power.
The Harlequins are the keepers of the Aeldari repository of Chaos knowledge known as the Black Library and they are the only Aeldari who still move freely among all of the other factions. Their purpose is to maintain among their fellows the knowledge of the Aeldari mythological cycles that form the foundation of all Aeldari culture.
The Exodites are those Aeldari who fled the ancient homeworlds before the Fall and chose to settle on verdant, unsettled planets known as Maiden Worlds. The Exodites are protected from the soul-thirst of Slaanesh by unifying their souls upon death with the World Spirits of their home planets and from the darker impulses of the Aeldari psyche by pursuing lifestyles marked by more hardship and less labour-saving technology than any of their brethren.
The Ynnari, also called the Reborn, are a religious sect of Aeldari drawn from all of the other factions who serve the partially awakened Aeldari god of the dead Ynnead. Led by Ynnead's high priestess and chosen prophet, Yvraine, the Daughter of Shades, the Ynnari came into existence just before the birth of the Great Rift and the start of the Era Indomitus.
The Reborn seek nothing less than the full awakening of Ynnead, who will then do battle with Slaanesh, destroy the Chaos God and restore the Aeldari people to their lost greatness. Ynnari no longer need fear Slaanesh's thirst, for upon death they become one with Ynnead.
Connection To Chaos
The Eldar possess an incredibly strong connection to the Warp, a psychic dimension. Their excessive indulgence in hedonism gave rise to the Chaos God Slaanesh, whose birth caused unimaginable suffering and the formation of the Eye of Terror, once the heart of the Eldar Empire. When Eldar die, unless their souls are protected, they are devoured by Slaanesh, perpetuating an unending hunger for Eldar souls. The Drukhari, who escaped this fate, endure a twisted existence in the Webway, constantly feeding on others' pain and misery.
Due to the War in Heaven the strongest 2 factions the Ctan and The Old Ones wiped each other out. They were created by The Old Ones as a weapon race made to fight the Necron soldiers of the Ctan. So they were genetically built to be almost perfect psychers(magicians). With their creators and their foes gone they lost their purpose. With nothing to do they advanced their empire. The galaxy after the war had no species left that could challenge them. Their empire grew so much that there was no more starvation ,no more struggle and this horrible sense of boredom and comfort set in to the entire race. This resulted in them focusing entirely on the arts and hedonistic desires. Over the millenia thier culture degraded, actions considered crazy and disgusting became commonplace. They kept falling deeper into hedonism species wide, all over the galaxy killing and murdering each other in more and more extreme ways.
The worst eldar of all concentrating on the pirate city called Commaraigh within a pocket dimension named the Webway. With all of this hedonism and bloodshed happening all over their empire ,the emotions and souls resulting from them was building up in the warp. As time passed it built up so much that this bunch of emotions gained consciousness. Pop! Slaneesh the prince of pleasure, god of unending excess was born the 4th Chaos god. And instantly killed most the eldar population, 9 out of 10 eldar perished. This event was so horrific it left an open wound in the galaxy The Eye of Terror where the warp now leaks into realspace. The fall of the Eldar is one of the Big 3 events that happened in Warhammer.
The Eldar of Warhammer 40,000 are a complex and tragic race, whose descent into decadence nearly led to the galaxy's destruction. Despite their advanced technology and potent psychic abilities, they are haunted by the chaos they inadvertently spawned. Their divided society, with distinct subgroups, reflects their fractured past. Whether you sympathize with their plight or see them as cosmic nomads, the Eldar's story is a testament to the rich and dark lore of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.